Breast plastic surgery, in particular the silicone implants, is the most performed surgery in the world according to statistics.

In recent years, we have seen many developments in terms of implant safety, biocompatibility and durability, as well as refinements of the operative technique in this procedure performance.

Back to your normal activities the day after the surgery, such as working, washing and brushing your hair, going shopping and taking your children to school by car may seem like something magical, but it is a fact and the evolution of prosthetic breast surgery!

The 24-hour recovery technique created by the American surgeon Dr. John Tebbetts consists of a procedure with less surgical trauma, earlier hospital discharge and series of activities and programmed movements with the arms aiming to get some muscle relaxation, less postoperative pain and consequently, return to basic activities the day after surgery.

The success of the procedure depends on:

1- Choosing the ideal implant (analyzing anatomical measurements of the chest and 3D software);

2- adequate anesthesia (with fewer side effects and less post-operative hangover); 

3- Precise and minimal traumatic surgical technique (training, specific materials and instruments);

4- Implants Stabilization (internal bra technique and customized Dual plane);

5- Team trained and synchronized in the execution of the protocols (surgeon, anesthesiologist and nurse);

6- Patient training and a sequence of tasks in the postoperative period.

The studies presented by the creator of this technique, who has been performing it since 2008, show not only the convenience of fast recovery but also more predictable and stable results over the years with lower complications rates.

In 2020 I had the opportunity to follow and be trained by the most experienced surgeon who uses this technique in Brazil, Dr Thiago Cavalcanti, and today the protocol is routinely performed in our surgeries.
