The desire for a specific and beautiful result can never be over the safety and well-being of the patient throughout the surgical process.

The safety of our patients always comes first and then the surgical indication, that means, a surgery will not be recommended if not necessary or not ideal for our patients.

Following these principles, there are some safety items that I do not give up for your surgery:

1- A preoperative evaluation must be done with specific exams and pre-anesthetic consultation.

2- Operate in qualified and certified hospitals where we have the security and needed support.

3- Use of safety equipment during surgery such as:

-Compressive pneumatic boot (Prevents from venous thrombosis and postoperative pulmonary embolism);

– Thermal blanket (Prevents hypothermia during and after surgery, reduces risks related to blood clotting and infection, greater comfort and better experience in anesthetic awakening);

– Latest and best surgical instruments and high-quality materials (higher precision, lower tissue damage, less reaction and so better recovery and surgical result)

4-Complete and constantly trained team.

5- A close following-up in the postoperative time until the total rehabilitation.